The goal of the Correctional and Forensic Psychology Lab is to develop innovative ways to reach and connect the systems necessary for reducing criminal risk and enhancing public safety. The research conducted in our lab uniquely contributes to correctional treatment by exploring novel intervention strategies for criminal justice-involved people with significant mental health and behavioral problems, as well as technologically advanced avenues for implementing such programs that increase accessibility of services. That is, we believe the content of programming along with the modality and feasibility of its delivery, are important for generating desired individual and societal outcomes.
Those involved in the criminal justice system represent a highly underserved, diverse, and marginalized group who have the potential to contribute productively to society if their needs and strengths are appropriately addressed.
In addition to correctional mental health treatment, we also conduct research related to vocational issues for returning citizens, violence risk assessment, and the use of telepsychology in the legal system.

Ashley B. Batastini, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Counseling Psychology and Licensed Psychologist (MS# 57 1006)
Oji's Journey: An e-Therapy App for Released Offenders
Based on evidence-based practices for reducing behavioral and psychological risk factors
Technology in the Courtroom
A series of studies examining perceptions of virtual forensic assessments and testimony
2008 - 2010
Drexel University
Master's of Science in Psychology
2003 - 2007
University of Pittsburgh
Bachelor's of Science in Psychology
Summa Cum Laude
2010 - 2015
Texas Tech University
Doctorate of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology
Stepping Up, Stepping Out: A Mental Health Treatment Program for Inmates Detained in Restrictive Housing
Currently being delivered in multiple Department of Corrections nationally